BGC Brokers L.P. – OTF Rulebook
BGC-Products-Asset classes of financial instruments
No Review Range
Best Execution and Order Handling Policy
Conflict of Interest Statement
Minor non-monetary benefits disclosures
4th Aug, 2023 | MiFIDII-RateCard-AUREL-04-08-20223 |
1st Nov, 2019 | MiFIDII-RateCard- AUREL-Emerging-Markets-Rate-Cards-1-11-2019 |
Pre- and Post-Trade Transparency Reporting (RTS 1 and 2)
Best Execution Reports (RTS 27 + 28)
Trading Venue Notices
Click Here for ESMA Suspensions and Removals
Click Here for Suspended and Restored Instruments
Click Here for Instruments Removed from Suspended List