2012 Charities
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Asthma UK
Our mission is to be there for people with asthma when they need us.
For more information, please visit: http://www.asthma.org.uk/
St. Christopher’s
St. Christopher’s, Inc. is a non-sectarian, innovative adolescent-development organization dedicated to helping children with special needs and their families by delivering a seamless continuum of care. We provide quality education, therapeutic intervention and life planning skills in a safe and nurturing environment with the goal of helping each child reach his/her full potential. St. Christopher’s helps teens with emotional, behavioral and learning challenges by providing a residential program encompassing special education schooling and comprehensive therapeutic, social, and family services.
For more information, please visit St. Christopher’s
Wounded Warrior Project
The mission of Wounded Warrior Project™ (WWP) is to honor and empower wounded warriors. WWP’s purpose is to raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of injured service members, to help injured servicemen and women aid and assist each other, and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs. WWP is a national, nonpartisan organization headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida.
For more information, please visit www.woundedwarriorproject.org
Headcase Cancer Trust
Headcase raises funds for research to find a cure for the most common adult primary brain tumour – a Glioblastoma Multiforme or GBM. GBMs are incurable and kill 5000 adults each year in the UK. Headcase is staffed entirely by volunteers and will be funding PhD research in labs across the UK. For more information, please visit Headcase Cancer Trust.
Help a Capital Child
Despite being one of the wealthiest cities in the world London is also home to some of the most disadvantaged children and young people in our society. Help a Capital Child is the new name for Capital FM’s charity previously known as Help a London Child. For over 35 years we have been fundraising to support local grass-roots projects across London that provide opportunities to children and young people living with the effects of: abuse, poverty, homelessness, disability, and illness. For more information, please visit Help a Capital Child.
Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research
We are the only UK charity solely dedicated to research into blood cancers, including leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Our life-saving research is focused on finding causes, improving diagnosis and treatments, and running ground-breaking clinical trials for all blood cancer patients. We won’t stop until we’ve beaten blood cancer.
For more information, please visit: http://leukaemialymphomaresearch.org.uk/
Variety Club
Our Vision is that every disabled and disadvantaged young person should be provided with the freedom, independence and hope to reach their full potential.
For more information, please visit: http://www.varietyclub.org.uk/
To give every baby the best start in life, by funding a medical research programme and treatments and tests to prevent miscarriages, premature births and still births from happening. And provide information and support service for parents in their hour of need.
For more information, please visit: http://www.tommys.org/
Fete le Mur
Founded in 1996, the primary objective was to enable children living in the suburbs to play tennis for free and today the main goals are: To teach children to play tennis, to encourage diversity in the field of sport from an early age, to allow children to flourish and live together in a spirit of solidarity and citizenship and to promote access to vocational training and high level for the most motivated.
For more information, please visit: http://www.fetelemur.com
Les Toiles Enchantées
When children cannot go to the cinema, the cinema goes to them. Les Toiles Enchantées organises film and cartoon screenings (very often as previews) for children in hospitals around France, New-Caledonia and Mali.
For more information, please visit: http://www.lestoilesenchantees.com/
Chi Heng Foundation
The mission of CHF is to create a harmonious, equal and healthy society through projects to provide education, sponsorship and promote AIDS prevention, care and anti-discrimination.
For more information, please visit: http://www.chihengfoundation.com/index_en.html
Christina Noble Children’s Foundation
The Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (CNCF) is an International Partnership of people dedicated to serving underprivileged children with the hope of helping each child maximize their life potential. Our programmes in Vietnam and Mongolia seek to protect children at risk of economic and sexual exploitation, while ensuring these and other children in need have access to basic care and educational opportunities. The programmes include; emergency and long-term medical care, nutritional rehabilitation, educational and vocational training and job placement. This is accomplished within the context of the family and the community whenever possible, and always with love and respect for the dignity of each child as an individual.
For more information, please visit: http://www.cncf.org/en/home/index.php
International Care Ministries
ICM’s goal is to transform the face of poverty in the Philippines through working with the poorest of the poor (those living at, or below subsistence level) with a holistic, community-based approach to fighting poverty that produces real and sustainable results.
For more information, please visit: http://www.caremin.com/
The Orphanage Trust
The Orphanage Trust is a Christian charitable trust registered in New Zealand. It was established for the purpose of helping children around the world through the development of orphanages and schools. Currently they support two projects, one in Orissa, India, where they support 60 children living in the orphanage and over 250 children in the school. They also support an orphanage for 40 children in Burundi, Africa
It is their dream that every child on earth is provided with the necessities of life – shelter, food, clothing and an education. They want to create an environment where children in our care are filled with hope, encouraged to pursue their aspirations, where they learn to love and are free to laugh
100% of any money donated goes directly to the orphanages or schools.
For more information, please visit: http://www.theorphanagetrust.com/
Boys Town
Boys’ Town is a Catholic institution founded by the Brothers of St. Gabriel in 1948 to work with youth-at-risk, between the ages of 11-18, and their families. They provide Residential, Outreach, School-based and Community-Based programmes and services to youths from mainly disadvantaged backgrounds. Their mission is to help youth-at-risk become socially integrated, responsible and contributing members of society.
For more information, please visit: http://www.boystown.org.sg/
Beyond Social Services
Beyond Social Services is a charity dedicated to reducing delinquency among children and youths from less privileged backgrounds. It provides guidance, care, protection and resources that keep young people in school and out of trouble.
For more information, please visit www.beyond.org.sg
Children Are Us Foundation
Children Are Us Foundation is a not-for-profit private organization which provides long term care and job training to those suffering from Down’s syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Dysfunction and other mental illness. For changing people’s general perception, prejudice and respecting for the dignity towards the people with intelligence disability, the most important thing is to preventing and removing all kinds of barriers, lead them stepping into the mainstream, especially in community.
For more information, please visit: http://www.c-are-us.org.tw/style/front001/bexfront.php
Seeing is Believing
SiB is a global initiative to tackle avoidable (preventable or treatable) blindness. It is a collaboration between Standard Chartered, the International Agency for Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) and leading international eye-care NGOs. SiB has raised over US$25 million for eye-care initiatives. It has impacted more than 16 million people and helped over 2.5 million receive sight-restoring cataract surgery. SiB’s latest commitment, ‘A New Vision’, aims to fundraise US$10 million which will be matched in full by Standard Chartered. This will provide 20 million people in impoverished urban areas across the globe with access to comprehensive and sustainable eye-care services.
For more information, please visit seeingisbelieving.org.uk
SAVH is the national voluntary welfare organization that serves and provides comprehensive rehabilitation services to the visually impaired. SAVH serves Singapore citizens and permanent residents of all age groups who must be certified with low vision (partial sight) or blind by an eye specialist or ophthalmologist. This includes people who are born blind as well as those who have lost their vision through accidents, illnesses or ageing. SAVH has over 3,100 registered clients ranging from infants to the elderly and has been providing these clients with eye care, rehabilitation, training, counselling, jobs and a place to belong to.
For more information, please visit www.savh.org.sg
Lar CCI Centro de Convivência Infantil looks after children between zero and 5 years of age, who are in a situation of social vulnerability or who have the HIV virus.
For more information, please visit: http://www.larcci.org.br/site/
Projeto Velho Amigo
Projeto Velho Amigo is geared towards the elderly, fostering a culture of inclusion of seniors, securing their rights and valuing their participation in the community.
For more information, please visit: http://www.velhoamigo.org.br/
Barnardo’s vision is that the lives of all children and young people should be free from poverty, abuse and discrimination. Our purpose is to help the most vulnerable children transform their lives and fulfil their potential, no matter who they are, where they’ve come from or what they’ve done.
We believe in the potential of all children; we believe that every child deserves the best start in life and the chance to fulfil their potential. With the right help, committed support and a little belief, even the most vulnerable children and young people can turn their lives around.
For more information, please visit: http://www.barnardos.org.uk/
The UK is the most Global of all Western Economies. It is home to countless multi-national business organisations, and literally millions of multi-national personal relationships. Whilst for many of us international borders provide opportunities for travel and discovery, for many children they act as barriers between them and their families.
Children and Families Across Borders (CFAB) is a unique UK-based charity which identifies and protects children who have been separated from family members as a consequence of trafficking, abduction, migration, divorce, conflict and asylum,
CFAB acts as a lifeline to these children. We are the only charity in the UK providing expert advice and guidance, skilled professional services, and emotional support for anyone in these desperate personal circumstances. Our mission is to advocate for these children and vulnerable individuals by ensuring that their best interests are paramount and that their right to family life is respected.
Without our help, many of these children would be ‘placed’ in institutions or left with non-family members, deprived of their right to family life, deprived of any contact with their own relatives, with dramatic consequences to their personal, emotional, cognitive and behavioural development.
This number is growing rapidly and the unfortunate reality is that CFAB cannot meet the full demand for our specialised expertise, but with your help we can.
Help us change these children’s lives forever. For their sake.
For more information, please visit: http://www.cfab.org.uk/
Shooting Star CHASE
Shooting Star CHASE is the children’s hospice service, supporting local families with a child or teenager not expected to reach their 19th birthday. We currently help over 600 families living in western London, Surrey and West Sussex.
For more information, please visit: http://www.shootingstarchase.org.uk/
The Honeypot Children’s Charity
The Honeypot Children’s Charity’s vision is for every child to make the most of their one chance at childhood.
Since 1996 Honeypot has been working to enhance the lives of vulnerable children and young carers aged 5-12 years by providing respite breaks and on-going outreach support. We give young carers a break from demanding and stressful responsibilities at home and provide a safe, nurturing environment where children at risk can develop their full potential.
For more information, please visit: http://www.honeypot.org.uk/
A future where every young person, whatever their background or ability, is given the chance to fulfil their true potential and become a valued member of their community.
We do this by facilitating positive and permanent change in young people’s lives – alongside knowledge, skills, experience and long term positive support, we give them the self belief to aspire and achieve. Our success can be largely attributed to our inspirational Instructors who are predominately ex-service personnel. With their diverse life experiences and specialist skills, our Instructors are excellent role models, something often lacking in young people’s lives.
For more information, please visit: http://www.skillforce.org/
St Paul’s Cathedral
St Paul’s Cathedral, the 5th on the site since 604AD, was designed by Sir Christopher Wren over 300 years ago. It is the Cathedral of the Anglican Diocese of London, scene of national and state occasions. The choristers of St. Pauls typically each spend 6 years singing at a huge number of services, concerts and events, their education funded by the cathedral with bursaries offered for their accommodation in cases of parental hardship.
For more information, please visit: http://www.stpauls.co.uk/
The Special Yoga Centre
The primary goal of the centre is to provide therapeutic support to babies, children, young people and adults with special needs, through the practice of yoga, with the intention of helping them to reach their full potential.
The foundation block of the centre’s philosophy is one of inclusion. We offer a nurturing, respectful, calm and welcoming environment where all members of the community can come together regardless of age, ability, religion, ethnicity or economic status and share the many benefits of yoga.
For more information, please visit: http://www.specialyoga.org.uk/
Willow Foundation
To provide for young adults with life threatening illness and those close to them the motivation to take full advantage of life through memorable special days.
For more information, please visit: http://www.willowfoundation.org.uk/Home
52nd Street Project
The 52nd Street Project (The Project) is dedicated to the creation and production of new plays for, and often by, kids between the ages of nine and eighteen that reside in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood in New York City. The Project does this through a series of unique mentoring programs that match kids with professional theater artists.
For more information, please visit: http://www.52project.org
Boys Hope Girls Hope of New York
Boys Hope Girls Hope of New York’s Mission is to help academically capable and motivated children from at-risk situations meet their full potential and become men and women for others by providing them with the safe and stable living environment, academic support, and guidance they need to finish high school, graduate from college, and become responsible and productive citizens.
For more information, please visit: www.bhghny.org
The Brad Richards Foundation
The Brad Richards Foundation exists to provide exceptional experiences and treatment for children and families enduring chronic and life threatening illness. The foundation also supports the advancement of youth and amateur sports.
For more information, please visit: www.bradrichardshockey.com/foundation.html
Foundation for Sight and Sound
The mission of Foundation for Sight and Sound is to enhance the quality of life for men, women and children with vision and/or hearing challenges. We are dedicated to creating a world where people with vision and/or hearing challenges can realize their full potential, allowing them to lead lives of inclusion and not isolation.
For more information, please visit: www.foundationforsightandsound.org
God’s Love We Deliver
God’s Love is the New York metropolitan area’s leading provider of life-sustaining meals and nutritional counseling for people living with severe illnesses. Begun as an HIV/AIDS service organization, today God’s Love provides for people living with more than 200 individual diagnoses. God’s Love cooks and home delivers the specific, nutritious meals a client’s severe illness and treatment so urgently require. Meals are individually tailored for each client by one of our Registered Dietitians, and all clients have access to unlimited nutrition counseling. God’s Love supports families by providing meals for the children and senior caregivers of its clients. All of the agency’s services are provided free of charge, and in its history of more than 25 years, God’s Love We Deliver has never had a waiting list.
For more information, please visit: www.godslovewedeliver.org
The New York Police & Fire Widows’ and Children’s Benefit Fund
The New York Police and Fire Widows’ and Children’s Benefit Fund was founded in 1985 by Daniel J. “Rusty” Staub to assist the families of New York City Police Officers and Firefighters who have been killed in the line of duty. Though the Benefit Fund was initially created to assist the families of New York City Police Officers and Firefighters only, after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the Benefit Fund included among its beneficiaries the families of Port Authority officers and EMS personnel. The Benefit Fund’s mission has always been– and remains today– to continue making meaningful distributions to all of our widows for the duration of their lives. The Benefit Fund makes annual distributions to over 600 families and takes pride in “answering the call” as our fallen heroes have done to protect our city. Since its inception, the Benefit Fund has distributed over $123 million to beneficiary families and continues to provide a network of support and programs to ensure that the sacrifice made by their loved ones will never be forgotten.
For more information, please visit www.answerthecall.org
Pencils of Promise
Pencils of Promise is an award-winning charity that builds schools and increases access to education for children in the developing world. PoP has broken ground on over 70 schools since being founded in 2008, and is creating a global community of supporters dedicated to education for all.
For more information, please visit: www.pencilsofpromise.org
Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation
The purpose of the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation is to honor the legacy of love given to us by Stephen Siller – FDNY, Squad 1, who laid down his life on 9/11, along with his entire squad and 342 brother New York City firefighters, by doing good in his name by supporting children who have lost a parent, and firefighters and military personnel who have been seriously injured and have sacrificed their quality of life in the line of duty. We endeavor always to Follow the Footsteps of an American hero.
For more information, please visit: www.TunnelToTowers.org
Worldwide Orphans Foundation
The mission of Worldwide Orphans is to transform the lives of orphaned children and help them to become healthy, independent, productive members of their communities and the world. We believe that institutionalized children must be integrated in their own communities and cultures, and to that end, all WWO programs include orphans and children from the local areas. WWO addresses children’s physical and mental health, their education and their ability to plan for and to achieve that is productive and fulfilling in their own countries.
For more information, please visit: www.wwo.org
Petits Princes
Founded in 1987 the aim of this association is to realise very sick children’s dreams depending on their treatments and hospitalisation, involving their family, and as long as needed.
For more information, please visit: http://www.petitsprinces.com/
St. Joseph Home
St. Joseph’s Home recognizes each and every individual, they teach them the importance to live right with justice. They provide them a living-hood, learning opportunity and emotional support in their educational process so that they will become those who can contribute and be of value to society. They currently have 48 children living in the main facility as well as three other group homes with 6 older children in each place.
For more information, please visit: http://www.saintjosephhome.com/
The Futaba Infant Home
The Futaba Infant Home is a facility to raise young children (between 0 years to school age) instead of and the parents on a permanent basis or until the parents are fit to resume duties as a responsible parent. If home rehabilitation is not a choice, we will provide a viable solution that best suits the children such as foster parents, etc. They also provide support programs to help parents better raise and support their children so they may grow up in a healthy and productive environment.
For more information, please visit: http://www.futabafurattohome.com/information/english.html
Duang Prateep Foundation, Thailand
DPF was founded in 1978 by slum dwellers and their sympathisers to tackle the problems facing the urban poor of Bangkok. Since humble beginnings, the DPF has grown in size to organise a wide rage of programmes to help the urban poor people throughout Thailand. The primary focus of the DPF is on children and their education, both formal and informal. However, the foundation’s programmes are not just helping children but working on issues like poverty alleviation and community and personal development.
For more information, please visit: http://www.dpf.or.th/
Kids Inclusive Sports Club (KISC)
The idea for the Kids Inclusive Sports Club came about in 2007. It was felt that there was a need to educate Singaporeans on social integration through sports and games, promote interaction between the able-bodied and children with disabilities. The charity also promotes a focus on the abilities rather than on disabilities of the child, demolishes discriminatory attitudes and introduces sports at a young age when children are more adaptable and accepting towards differences. Through KISC’s initiatives, Singapore Disability Sports Council would be able to reach out to parents and the general public, increasing awareness and understanding towards people with disabilities.
For more information, please visit: http://www.kidsinsports.org/
Child Fund
ChildFund Korea is Korea’s number one professional child welfare organization. In order to achieve happiness of children of the world, ChildFund Korea is implementing diverse activities to support the right to live, the right to protection, the right to develop and the right to participate. As the biggest professional child welfare organization, ChildFund Korea conducts sponsorship with needy children progra, prevention of child abuse program, supporting severely ill children program, protection of children at local society program, foster family program and prevention of child lost program at 121 work sites.
For more information, please visit: http://www.childfund.org/
Asia Centre Foundation (ACF)
Asia Center Foundation (ACF) is a registered Christian, Non-Government Organization (NGO) on Phuket Island, Thailand since November 2001. ACF employs local Thai staff and also makes use of the help of local and international volunteers to engage and work with underprivileged, impoverished and children-at-risk in Phuket. The purpose of the ACF is to initiate educational, sporting and health care projects for under privileged children in Phuket and surrounding areas.
For more information, please visit: http://www.asiacenterfoundation.org/index.html
Cystic Fibrosis Australia (CFA)
Here at CFNSW We have a vision of people living lives unaffected by cystic fibrosis, a mission to improve the quality of life for people with CF and their carers, and a goal to support services, education and research to benefit people with CF.
For more information, please visit: http://www.cysticfibrosis.org.au/aboutcfa/
Gol de Letra
The Foundation is presently established in São Paulo and in Rio de Janeiro. UNESCO acknowledges this institution as a model in its sector. Its programs and projects follow three educational principles:
- Learning (enlargement of cultural and educational repertoires);
- Living together (development of values and rules of social coexistence); and
- Multiplying (training of knowledge and attitudes multipliers).
For more information, please visit: http://www.goldeletra.org.br/
Van – Money Box
Van – Money Box supports to build schools and dormitories in Van, a city in the Eastern part of Turkey that as struck by the devastating earthquake on 23 October 2011. The earthquake killed 604 and injured are 4,152. At least 11,232 buildings sustained damage in the region, 6,017 of which were found to be uninhabitable. About 60,000 people were left homeless.
For more information, please visit: http://www.turkiyekumbarasi.com/tr-TR/index.php?m=0
Action Against Cancer
Action Against Cancer funds the developments of cures for cancer at Imperial College, Hammersmith Hospital, led by world leading oncologist, Professor Justin Stebbing. Professor Stebbing gained worldwide acclaim for his team’s groundbreaking discovery of a brand new cancer causing gene.
The charity is currently focussed on the development of tests and treatments to improve the survival prospect of breast, lung, pancreatic and colon cancer suffers.
For more information, please visit: http://aacancer.org/
Un Enfant Par La Main
To assist depraved children and families through small projects and ensuring effective and sustainable actions in countries where the Childfund Alliance operates.
Carol Alt, representing The Tony Alt Foundation
Carol Alt, representing The Tony Alt Foundation
Mr Goh Chee Kong, Vice President, Nazreen Mohd and Mr. Gerard Ee, Executive Director of Beyond Social Services
Lorraine Koenitz, Executive, Johnson, Anthony, Isaac and Dr Roland Yeow , Deputy Director of Boys’ Town
Mr Loh Ngiap Kiang, Executive, Christopher Chua with Mrs Chua and Mdm Karim, Chairman of Kids Inclusive Sports Club
Ms. Mary Kwang, Fund Raising Manager, Mr. Leow Chee Tsai, Visually Impaired and Mr Michael Tan, Executive Director of Singapore Association of Visually Handicapped
Token of Appreciation – Craig Bannister, MD receiving plague/gift from Boys Town
Craig Banister, Managing Director with clients – BGC Mint Staff, Terence Yeo, Client Roger Quek Chin Ing and James Wang Jue from China International Capital Corporation Singapore Limited
NDF clients – BGC Staff, Eugene Ng, Shirley Chew, Client Ee Loong from Barclays, BGC Staff Hoi Wei Lin, Jimmy Lim ex-Client and Tan Eng Leong from DBS Bank
Sing IRS clients – BGC Staff, Tiffany Tan, Client Robin Lim from Calyon, BGC Staff, Keith Cai, Client Samuel Chang from ING, BGC Staff Jane Chiang and Shervil Oh, Client Jeffrey Tay and Ramandeep Singh from UBS
Adrian Grenier, representing Pencils of Promise
50Cent, supporting Charity Day
Adrian Grenier (right), representing Pencils of Promise
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, representing the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation
Carmelo Anthony (right), representing the Carmelo Anthony Foundation
Jarah Mariano, representing Garden of Dreams
Damaris Lewis, representing Garden of Dreams
John McEnroe, representing the John McEnroe Foundation
Regis Philbin (center), representing the Wounded Warrior Project
Mark Sanchez, representing Alliance for Lupus Research
Miss Universe 2011, Leila Lopes, representing God’s Love We Deliver
Miss USA 2012, Olivia Culpo, representing God’s Love We Deliver
Mark Messier, representing The New York Police & Fire Widows’ and Children’s Benefit Fund
50Cent (left), supporting Charity Day and Adrian Grenier, representing Pencils of Promise
50Cent (left), supporting Charity Day and Darryl “Run DMC” Daniels, representing the Felix Organization
Eli Manning (left) representing the Eli Manning Foundation
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, representing the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation and Sandra Smith, Fox Business reporter
Darryl “DMC” Daniels, representing the Felix Organization
50Cent (right), supporting Charity Day
Rex Ryan (left), representing Alliance for Lupus Research and Bernie Williams, representing the Wounded Warrior Project
Andrew Garfield, representing World Wide Orphans
Victor Cruz, representing GENYOUth
Broker, Nick Thompson with children from Rainbow Trust
Steve Coogan with Iris from Rainbow Trust
Cleo from Rainbow Trust
Richard E.Grant representing Great Ormond Street Hospital
David Seaman representing Willow Foundation
Etienne Stott and Tim Baillie representing Muscular Dystrophy with their gold medals
DJ Neil Fox representing Battersea Dogs and Cats Home
Joan Collins and Michael Ball representing Shooting Star Chase
Greg Rutherford representing Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research
Pirate Treasure
Tim Lovejoy representing Barnardo’s
Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber representing Haven House Children’s Hospice
Trading on Charity Day
Dani King representing Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research
Gary Lineker representing Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research
Lawrence Dallaglio representing Dallaglio Foundation
Naomi Riches and David Smith representing CFAB
Natalie Pinkham and Gabby Logan with children from Great Ormond Street Hospital
Ashley Butler and Pudsey representing Battersea Dogs and Cats Home
Lewis Hamilton representing MTV Staying Alive Foundation
Jack Sparrow representing Honeypot Children’s Charity
Bob Wilson, David Seaman and Linda Lusardi representing Willow Foundation
Phil ‘The Power’ Taylor representing Haven House Children’s Hospice
Sinitta representing Help a Capital Child
Christopher Biggins representing Barnardo’s
Rosamund Pike representing Barnardo’s and Mark Colbourne representing CFAB
Trading floor on Charity Day
Natalie Pinkham presenting at Charity Day
Lawrence Dallaglio trading on Charity Day
Joan Collins representing Shooting Star Chase
Leona Lewis representing Help a Capital Child
Harry Redknapp representing Willow Foundation
Lisa Snowdon representing Help a Capital Child
Gaby Roslin representing The Special Yoga Centre
Sir Roger Moore representing Variety
Mo Farah representing MTV Staying Alive Foundation
The Mobot
The Duchess of York representing Children in Crisis
HRH Princess Beatrice representing Children in Crisis
Duncan Bannatyne representing WellChild
Lewis Hamilton and Mo Farah representing MTV Staying Alive Foundation
Steve Coogan representing Rainbow Trust
Joe Calzaghe representing Headcase
Rosamund Pike representing Barnardo’s
Pirate themed activities in the atrium for children
Luke Campbell representing MTV Staying Alive Foundation
Mark Foster representing Help a Capital Child
America SCORES
America SCORES inspires urban youth to lead healthy lives, be engaged students, and have the confidence and
character to make a difference in the world.
Eric LeGrand Patriot Saint Foundation
The Eric LeGrand Patriot Saint Foundation is an organization dedicated to aiding the support and welfare of Eric and his family. Eric, a Rutgers Football player, severely injured his neck while making a tackle during a game against Army on October 16, 2010. The foundation created a fund that will be used by the Legrand family to pay for housing & living expenses, maintenance on their home, and day-to-day expenses for Eric…
John and Patty McEnroe Foundation
The John and Patty McEnroe Foundation is a Not-for-Profit Corporation of the State of New York. It was granted recognition by the United States Internal Revenue Service in March 1988 as an organization exempt from U.S. Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Eli Manning Foundation (Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund)
Fidelity Charitable is the brand name for the Fidelity® Charitable Gift Fund, an independent public charity, established in 1991 with the mission to further the American tradition of philanthropy by providing programs that make charitable giving simple and effective.
Child Rights and You (India)
CRY is India’s leading child rights non-profit organisation. For over 30 years, CRY has partnered with 220 small grassroots NGOs to work with 13,089 communities in 20 states across India to help create a movement that addresses the root causes of child rights violations. CRY works to ensure marginalised children their right to survival, protection, development and participation, and thus a childhood.
For more information, please visit: www.cry.org
Duang Prateep Foundation (Thailand)
DPF has wide range of programmes to help the urban poor and poor people throughout Thailand. The primary focus of the DPF is on children and their education, both formal and informal.
For more information, please visit http://www.dpf.or.th
Boys’ Town
Boys’ Town works with youth-at-risk, between the ages of 11-18, and their families. We provide Residential, Outreach, School-based and Community-Based programmes and services to youths from mainly disadvantaged backgrounds. Our mission is to help youth-at-risk become socially integrated, responsible and contributing members of society.
For more information, please visit www.boystown.org.sg
Singapore Association of the Visually-Handicap
SAVH is the national voluntary welfare organization that serves and provides comprehensive rehabilitation services to the visually impaired. SAVH serves Singapore citizens and permanent residents of all age groups who must be certified with low vision (partial sight) or blind by an eye specialist or ophthalmologist. This includes people who are born blind as well as those who have lost their vision through accidents, illnesses or ageing.
For more information, please visit http://www.savh.org.sg
Futaba Infant Home
The Futaba Infant Home is a facility to raise young children (between 0 years to school age) instead of and the parents on a permanent basis or until the parents are fit to resume duties as a responsible parent.
If home rehabilitation is not a choice, we will provide a viable solution that best suits the children such as foster parents, etc. They also provide support programs to help parents better raise and support their children so they may grow up in a healthy and productive environment.
For more information, please visit http://www.futaba-yuka.or.jp
Futaba only has Japanese website.
Australian Childhood Foundation
To be a fearless and relentless advocate for the rights of children in Australia to a safe childhood free from violence, trauma, neglect and abuse
For more information, please visit: www.childhood.org.au
Les P’tits Cracks
Founded in 2001, the association “Les P’tits Cracks” supports children with cancer by a dual action.
At the hospital:
The association funds medical equipment to improve hospital conditions for sick children. Since 2001, more than € 450,000 was paid to partner hospitals.
Upon leaving the hospital –
The association supports children in their convalescents, rebuilding physically and psychologically via cultural outings, educational and sports events as well as equestrian holidays.
For more information please visit – www.lesptitscracks.fr
Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity
We raise money so that Great Ormond Street Hospital can provide world-class care for its young patients and their families, and to pioneer new treatments and cures for childhood illness.
Our key value is – the child first and always.
For more information, please visit:www.gosh.org
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) NSW have a vision of people living lives unaffected by CF. A mission to improve the quality of life for people with CF and their careers, and a goal to provide support services, education and research that will help people with CF. Cystic Fibrosis NSW provides services and practical assistance that reduce the burden of living with CF. Families and adults are referred to us by specialist CF hospital teams and clients also self-refer. Activities include
- Counselling and information at the time of diagnosis (usually just after birth), coping with chronic disease and stigma at school or work, declining health and new complications, relationship formation and breakdown, organ donation, palliative care and grief etc.
- Information about treatment options (exercise, diet, physio and medicines), new drugs, how to choose and use medical equipment, and infection control guidelines.
- Supporting research and the transition from children’s services and parental care to self-management as a teenager/adult
- Providing emergency financial assistance for equipment, home percussion/physio, nutritional supplements, and travel to hospital.
For more information please visit www.cysticfibrosis.org.au or contact, general@cfnsw.org.au
The Jubilee Center
The mission of the Jubilee Center is to equip children and families with the tools not only to survive, but also to overcome the many barriers they face. We believe that all people deserve a fair chance at creating a fulfilling life based on self-esteem, self-reliance, personal accountability and respect for others.
For more information, please visit www.jubileecenterhoboken.org
The Children’s Trust
Every parent hopes that their child will be born healthily and grow up without serious accident or illness. Unfortunately these expectations can be shattered; children are born with disabilities or become suddenly disabled as a result of an accident or illness. The Children’s Trust is here to help these children and their families from all over the UK with vital care, support, education and rehabilitation.
For more information, please visit www.thechildrenstrust.org.uk
Allan Houston Legacy Foundation
To facilitate individual and collective growth through initiatives that – 1) Restore a strong family unit, 2) Provide economic empowerment through entrepreneurship, 3) Encourage education and life skill development, and 4) Enhance spiritual growth.
For more information, please visit:
Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation
The Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation, founded in 1992, is dedicated to improving the quality of life for cancer and transplant patients and their families by providing vital financial assistance, comprehensive resources, educational information, physician referrals, and emotional support programs.
Guided by a medical advisory board of nationally-recognized cancer specialists and working with hospitals across the United States, the Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation is the only organization of its kind that does not limit assistance to a specific disease, type of transplant or age range. For the past 27 years, the Foundation has connected patients and their families with the services they need—from diagnosis through survivorship—to make effective decisions about treatment and its aftermath. All of the Foundation’s programs and services are offered to patients and their families free of charge. For more information, please visit: http://bonemarrow.org/about/our-mission
Mayor’s Fund For London
The Mayor’s Fund for London is an independent charity, championing social mobility for young Londoners from low-income backgrounds.
We believe that all young people, regardless of their starting point in life, should be able to thrive in their community, forge fulfilling careers and can take advantage of the outstanding opportunities that London has to offer.
Our work raises awareness of the barriers facing young Londoners, promotes the activities which best increases their opportunities and brings together the partnerships to make a measurable impact on young Londoners’ lives.
In 2018, we supported over 35,000 young Londoners aged 4-24 across all 33 boroughs working in partnership with 427 schools, 110 community organisations and 94 employers, charities, social enterprises, and local authorities.
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is our patron.
Muscular Dystrophy UK
We are the UK charity for individuals and families living with muscle-wasting conditions.
We support research to drive the development of effective treatments and cures.
We ensure access to specialist NHS care and support.
We provide services and promote opportunities to enable individuals and their families to live as independently as possible.
We know we can beat muscle-wasting conditions more quickly if we work together.
We are uniting skills, knowledge and resources in the UK and working with others around the world so we can improve the quality of life for the people affected, and bring cures closer to reality.
Boomer Esiason Foundation
The Boomer Esiason Foundation is a dynamic partnership of leaders in the medical and business communities joining with a committed core of volunteers to heighten awareness, education and quality of life for those affected by cystic fibrosis, while providing financial support to research aimed at finding a cure.
For more information, please visit:
Tony Alt Memorial Foundation
The mission of the Tony Alt Memorial Foundation, Inc. is to provide financial assistance to organizations whose purpose is focused on today’s youth; providing unavailable resources, guidance and care to those in need in an effort to improve hope and opportunities for productive and successful lives.
For more information, please visit:
Centrepoint’s mission is to give young people a future and our long-term vision is to end youth homelessness.
For more information, please visit:
Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund
The Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund’s mission is to support victims of terrorism, emergencies and natural disasters. They provide direct financial assistance to hundreds of charities around the world, and help raise awareness to small charities that have the potential to make big impacts. 100% of every dollar raised by The Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund goes to victims of terrorism, natural disasters and emergencies, direct service charities, and wounded members of our military.
For more information, please visit:
Children in Crisis
Put simply, we help children in places other charities just don’t go. We rebuild education systems and ensure that all children, whoever or wherever they were born, receive the loving care they need to realise the best in themselves.
For more information, please visit:
The Henrik Lundqvist Foundation
The Henrik Lundqvist Foundation, through its fundraising efforts and community outreach, strives to create positive change in the lives of children and adults throughout the world through education and health services.
For more information, please visit: http://www.hlundqvistfoundation.com/?r=l
The Emergency Children’s Help Organization “ECHO” is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to providing financial assistance to a child experiencing a challenging medical or living emergency. ECHO’s goal is to help ease the burden financially, along with brightening the child’s life during a time of crisis.
The Felix Organization
The Felix Organization provides inspiring opportunities and new experiences to enrich the lives of children who are growing in the foster care system.
For more information, please visit:
Garden of Dreams Foundation
The Garden of Dreams Foundation is a non-profit organization that works with The Madison Square Garden Company to positively impact the lives of children facing obstacles.
For more information, please visit:
Hearing Health Foundation
Hearing Health Foundation’s (HHF) mission is to prevent and cure hearing loss and tinnitus through groundbreaking research and to promote hearing health. HHF is the largest non-profit funder of hearing and balance research in the U.S. and a leader in driving new innovations and treatments for people with hearing loss, tinnitus, and other hearing disorders.
For more information, please visit: www.hearinghealthfoundation.org
Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.
For more information, please visit:
September 11th Education Trust
The September 11th Education Trust produces engaging education programs that preserve the memories of 9/11, its victims and aftermath while building students’ interdisciplinary and 21st century skills and, through teacher professional development offerings, increases educators’ ability and comfort level to bring these important lessons to the classroom. The Trust’s multi-media September 11th Education Program is personalized and enriched through first-hand accounts, filmed oral histories and other primary source materials to connect people to this tragic, yet inspiring history.
For more information, please visit:
Sparks raises money to fund pioneering child health research across the UK, helping to find new treatments and cures for children and families who desperately need them.
We need your support to discover new treatments and cures for children with complex and rare conditions, throughout the UK.
For more information, please visit:
Solving Kids’ Cancer
Solving Kids’ Cancer is not just our name, it’s our mission. We focus on aggressive childhood cancers with low survival rates—because Every Kid Deserves to Grow Up. Solving Kids’ Cancer helps accelerate new, next-generation treatments, including immunotherapy, cancer vaccines, and new drugs by applying an understanding of the entire childhood cancer research landscape to wisely invest in innovative projects.
For more information, please visit:
The Mission of YCS is to partner with at-risk & special needs children and young adults to build happier, healthier, more lives within families and communities.
For more information, please visit:
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