BGCPro is BGC’s multi-asset, integrated voice and electronic price execution software and service intended for the inter-bank and broker community, with a feature -filled, flexible and easy to use front-end. Thin-client technology allows improved delivery with managed product updates and enhancements, speed, availability and resilience.
BGCPro is designed to be fully integrated with a choice of either voice or electronic access to support multiple products including:
- – Fixed income
- – European corporate cash
- – Credit default swaps
- – i-Traxx
- – FX options
BGCPro is designed to deliver the following benefits:
- – Integrated, neutral marketplace combining electronic / API and broker managed liquidity, all accessible through an interactive screen.
- – Highly customisable and user-friendly interface, facilitating permission-based access to multiple products on a single platform.
- – Fully STP compliant from automated trade capture through to settlement.
- – Thin-client technology with seamless product updates and deployment with minimal IT support overheads.
- – Broker-managed products displayed as “view only” prices.
- – Real-time and historical price information directly to the desktop.
- – Global product coverage from regional desks.
- – Efficient page layout for maximum exposure to prices and instruments.